.NET Framework | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
IDiscoveryMethod | Discovery method |
Class Summary | |
AddressChangeArgs | Address has changed |
AsyncCaller | Makes a one-way remoting call async'ly |
BackwardsFingerTable | Manages the backwards fingers. |
BroadcastDiscovery | Does an IP broadcast in an attempt to find nearby peers |
BroadcastDiscovery.BroadcastDiscoverer | Does the work for broadcast discovery. Run in separate threads |
BroadcastListener | BroadcastListener listens for broadcast Hellos from starting nodes on the network |
BroadcastListener.BroadcastListenerWorker | Does the work for listening for broadcasts |
Cache | Manages the node cache. Node cache resolves BasicAddresses to NodeAddress instances (which in turn hold RemoteNode instances). Nodes expire, and are removed from cache as it approaches full utilisation. Nodes can also be foricibly removed from cache. More commonly accessed nodes will be kept longer. |
CachedKarmaLookup | |
CannotModerateException | |
Config | Handles configuration and user settings for the Lookup (Chord) service |
Discoveries | Holds discoveries in a priority queue of sorts |
Discoveries.DiscoveryEnumerator | Enumerates over a object. |
DiscoveryEventArgs | Discovery event |
DiscoveryException | Exception occured during discovery |
DiscoveryNoNetworkException | Discovery failed due to no network connection |
FindSuccessorSync | Sync wrapper around async FindSuccessor calls. |
FingerKeyChangeArgs | Finger has changed |
FingerTable | Finger table |
InvalidNodeState | Occurs when the node's currents tate does not allow for the requested operation |
KeyAddedEventArgs | Key added to store |
KeyRemovedEventArgs | Key removed from store |
KeyStorage | Holds KeyContainers. Manages the storing and expiry of keys stored by a node by other network peers. |
ManualDiscovery | Processes user-defined boot node settings |
ModManager | |
NClientSink | A custom channel sink. Embeds addressing details into requests. |
NClientSinkProvider | A custom channel sink provider. Embeds addressing details into requests. |
Network | Manages the network connection for node |
Node | Node. The big mother of a class. |
Node.InvalidStateChange | |
NodeAddress | Address for a node |
NodeCommunicationException | There was a problem talking to the node |
NodeErrorStateArgs | Node error |
NodeEventArgs | Node event args |
NodeLost | Node lost |
NoMoreSuccessorsException | There are no more successors |
NServerSink | Provides address-based authentication, and verifies the NodeAddress details the client sends |
NServerSinkProvider | Provides address-based authentication, and verifies the NodeAddress details the client sends |
OperationTimeoutException | |
OutOfAlternativesException | No more nodes to try |
PartitionDetect | Detects if the node is running in a partitioned network |
PeerDiscovery | Tries to get local node on the network by finding existing nodes. |
QuerySync | |
RemoteNode | This is the class that gets published. One-to-one releationship with a . Methods that get called on this object are most likely from another node somewhere on network. |
RemoteNode.FingerFiller | Fills another nodes finger table |
RemoteNode.KeyUpgrader | |
Remoting | Manages the remoting channels and port allocation |
RequestForwarder | Maintains a list of nodes which a request can be forwarded too, and makes sure requests get to someone alive. |
SuccessorList | Manages a s successor list. Duplicate addresses can be in list |
WebDiscovery | Web peer discovery |
Structure Summary | |
Bootstrap | Holds details about the system the node bootstrapped from |
CachedNode | Cached node |
Discovery | Holds particulars of a discovered node |
Delegate Summary | |
CacheAddEventHandler | Node Added |
CacheExpiryEventHandler | Node expired |
CacheHitEventHandler | Cache hit |
CacheRemoveEventHandler | Node removed |
DiscoveryEventHandler | New discovery has been made |
FingerKeyChangeHandler | Finger key has chnaged |
KeyAddedEventHandler | Key added to store |
KeyRemovedEventHandler | Key removed from store |
KeysClearedEventHandler | All keys have been cleared |
KeyStorage.GetSearchResultDelegate | |
NodeErrorStateHandler | Node error |
NodeLostHandler | Node lost handler |
PredecessorChangeHandler | Predecessor change |
SuccessorChangeHandler | Successor change |
UserWarningHandler |
Enumeration Summary | |
Config.FirewallDepth | Firewall depth |
KeyRemoveReason | Reason why key was removed |
NodeState | Node state |
.NET Framework | |||||||||